An Omnidirectional Vision System that Finds and Tracks Color Edges and
Felix von Hundelshausen, Sven Behnke, and Raul Rojas
To appear in: A. Birk, S. Coradeschi, and S. Tadokoro (editors):
"RoboCup-2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V", Springer-Verlag, 2002.
We describe the omnidirectional local vision system developed for the
FU-Fighters, a RoboCup F180 league soccer team. A small video camera mounted
vertically on top of the robots looks at a concave parabolic mirror placed
above the camera that reflects the field around. The image is sent via
a radio link to an external PC for processing.
Our computer vision system can find the ball and detect other robots
as obstacles. The walls of the field are also recognized and are used to
determine the initial position of the robot. In order to be able to process
the video stream at full frame rate the movement of all objects is tracked,
including the walls of the field. The key idea of our approach is to predict
the location of color edges in the next frame and to search for such color
transitions along lines that are perpendicular to the edge.
PDF: omni_vision_short.pdf (4.4MB)
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Letzte Änderung am 1.11.2001 von Sven Behnke