The Book - Robots Playing Soccer

A forever growing documentation of the FU-Fighters

1. The History of RoboCup html, pdf
2. Leagues and Rules
3. Robotics as Systems integration
4. Mechanics

History of omniwheels pdf
DC Motors pdf

5. CAD Tools
6. Energy html, pdf
7. Electronics

Pulse Width Modulation pdf

8. Communication
9. Computer vision html, pdf
10. Vision in the small size league

Color spaces pdf
Calibrating an overhead camera pdf

11. Vision in the middle size league pdf
The Kalman Filter pdf
Localization in the field pdf
12. Self-calibration of stereo cameras pdf
13. Mechanics revisited - Optimal Control pdf
14. Sensors
15. Hierarchy of Behaviors
16. Path Planning
17. Predictors

Ball pdf
Robot pdf

18. Reinforcement Learning